Paint & Coating Test Instruments

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Tuotteen Kuvaus:

Qualtechin tuoteteollisuus Laboratorioseularavistin on tarkkuutta Hiukkaskoon mittauslaite to measure the size and the size range of particles using an advanced bidirectional motion combining a Horizontal Orbital Rotation ja Vertical Tapping.

The combination of the Horizontal Orbital Rotation ja Vertical Tapping achieves the best results for professional Particle Analysis  resulting  in an optimal Particle Distribution and supporting particles to pass through the matching Test Sieves.

A Testaa Sieve Shaker on Laboratory Particle Size Analyzer that is used to separate particles of different sizes at the touch of a button. This professional Laboratorioseularavistin is versatile and is used in a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutics, food science, and materials science.

Tämä tarkkuus Sieve Shaker relies on a combined bidirectional motion to vibrate a stack of precision engineered Sieves  causing the particles of Jauhenäytteet to move through the mesh of the precision engineered Sieves. The smaller particles of the Jauhenäytteet pass through the finer Sieves and the larger particles Powder Particles remain on the coarser Sieves.


Tämä ammattilainen Laboratory Test Sieve Shaker offers the newest features including:

  • Vibration Amplitude
  • Vibration Frequency
  • Kapasiteetti
  • Värillinen kosketusnäyttö


Tämä edistynyt Testaa Sieve Shaker is designed and engineered offering the newest microchip technology combined with a large Color Touchscreen Display, Automatic Electronic Timer, Automatic Test Program, a wide range of precision engineered Test Sieves, a wide range of optional custom engineered Test Sieves, precision Dual Direction Motion combining Horizontal Orbital Shaking and Vertical Tapping, user-friendly Programming, user-friendly Application, user-friendly Sample Handling, High Accuracy and High Precision, an ergonomic Design, reliable Performance and much more.

This professional Laboratory Test Sieve Shaker is designed and engineered in accordance with International Test Standards including:

Professional Test Sieve Shaker - Sovellus:

A Testaa Sieve Shaker on Laboratory Particle Size Analyzer that is used to separate particles of different sizes at the touch of a button.

Ammattilainen Laboratorioseularavistin is versatile and is used in a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutics, food science, and materials science.

Tarkkuus Sieve Shaker relies on a combined bidirectional motion to vibrate a stack of precision engineered Sieves  causing the particles of Jauhenäytteet to move through the mesh of the precision engineered Sieves. The smaller particles of the Jauhenäytteet pass through the finer Sieves and the larger particles Powder Particles remain on the coarser Sieves.


The Laboratory Test Sieve Shaker offers the newest features including:

  • Vibration Amplitude: The vibration amplitude is the distance that the sieves move back and forth. The Vibration Amplitude is important because it determines the efficiency of the Testaa Sieve Shaker in separating particles of different sizes.


  • Vibration Frequency: The Vibration Frequency is the number of times per second that the Sieves move back and forth. The Vibration Frequency is also important because it determines the efficiency of the Laboratorioseularavistin in separating particles of different sizes.


  • Kapasiteetti: The Capacity of a Testaa Sieve Shaker is the maximum weight of sample that it can be tested. The Capacity of a Hiukkasanalyysin seularavistin is important because it determines the size of samples that can be analyzed.


  • Controls: This advanced Test Sieve Shakers offers a large Värillinen kosketusnäyttö preset the Test Program.


Tämä ammattilainen Laboratory Sieve Shakers is used for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Particle Size Analysis: Test sieve shakers can be used to determine the particle size distribution of a sample. This information can be used to characterize the sample and to ensure that it meets certain quality standards.


  • Quality Control: Test sieve shakers can be used to inspect products for particle contamination. For example, food manufacturers use sieve shakers to inspect their products for metal or glass particles.
    Preparation of samples: Test sieve shakers can be used to prepare samples for other laboratory tests, such as microscopy or chemical analysis.


Tämä edistynyt Testaa Sieve Shaker is an essential Hiukkaskoon analysaattori for many industries to separate particles of different sizes, which is important for a many professional applications including Partikkelikokoanalyysi, Quality Control ja Sample Preparation.

Laboratorioseularavistin - Ominaisuudet:

  • Uusin mikrosirutekniikka
  • Automaattinen hiukkaskoon analyysi napin painalluksella
  • Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttö
  • Elektroninen ajastin
  • Automaattiset testiohjelmat
  • Advanced Dual Motion Technology
  • Horizontal Orbital Shaking & Vertical Tapping
  • Wide range of precision engineered Sieves
  • Wide range of optional custom engineered Sieves
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen valikon navigointi
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellus
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittely
  • Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuus
  • Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskyky
  • Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM D6913, ASTM E11, ASTM E2651, ISO 565, ISO 13320

Hiukkasanalyysin seularavistin – Tekniset tiedot:

Uusin mikrosirutekniikkaJooJoo
Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttöJooJoo
Elektroninen ajastinJooJoo
Automaattiset testiohjelmatJooJoo
Sieve Diameter8" (200mm)12" (300mm)
Oscillation Frequency290±6 RPM290±6 RPM
Tapping Frequency156±3RPM156±3RPM
Wide range of precision engineered Sieves availableJooJoo
Wide range of custom engineered Sieves availableJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellusJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen valikon navigointiJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittelyJooJoo
Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuusJooJoo
Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskykyJooJoo
Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM D6913, ASTM E11, ASTM E2651, ISO 565, ISO 13320

Automatic Test Sieve Shaker – Included items:

  • Automatic Laboratory Test Sieve Shaker
  • Wide range of precision engineered Sieves
  • Lisätarvikkeet
  • Laatusertifikaatti
  • Huolellisesti kalibroitu
  • Kalibrointitodistus
  • Ohjekirja
  • Pidennetty takuu
  • Elinikäinen tuki

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